12 July 2023

Image of St Mary's school update

End of term arrives!

Well here we are. The final newsletter of the year already! Where has the time gone? Trips, performances, enrichment days, wonderful learning experiences and fun and laughter- all finished for another year. I reflect on it with such pride at how well our children have achieved. We have had superb key stage data throughout the school that reflects how great our children are. But more than this we have continued to develop the children as wonderful young citizens that have such an impact on all that meet them. 


Dance and Drama 

What a year Dance and Drama club and in school sessions have had! I lose count of the many wonderful experiences our children have had - culminating in our sports day dance and Lion KIng extravaganza. I cannot wait to see our children develop further next year and continue to fly in this wonderful area of the curriculum we strive so hard to keep within our timetable. Not many schools have these opportunities within their curriculum on such a regular basis - well done and thank you to Georgia for all she has done! 



With the hot weather it has been hard work this year in our gardens. Luckily the children demonstrate the resilience and perseverance we teach them in all areas of their day to day school lives and gardening is no different. Our produce is looking great and we have had a healthy crop throughout the year. God gave us all seed bearing plants so we would have food to eat. It is our duty to look after them and that we do at St Mary's. 



As the term comes to an end can I please remind parents that holidays in term time are not authorised. it is a legal requrement that children are in school. This includes the final two day sof this term which are still important days in the school calendar inclsuing our Leavers service and celebrations. Please do not take your children out of school on these days. Attendance as a school is currently worryingly low and below national averages - a situation we have never been in. Unfortunately holidays from this point forward will result in a Staffordshire County fixed penaly fine. 



Our value of Thankfulness comes to an end this week. It seems such an important value to finish the year on as we give thanks for so many great experiences and memories. We start the new year with 6 new values but the same standards and desire to fly like an eagle. 


Year 6

A final farewell to our Year 6 children who have graced us with their presence this year and for many more before. I started my Headship at St Mary's as they entered Reception and it has been my honour and privilege to watch them grow into wonderful young men and women. I cannot speak highly enough of this special group of children and their impact on our school and myself personally. All the best in all you do in your future careers and remember to fly like an eagle and Believe and Achieve! 

Happy holidays to you all. Thank you for all of your support and kindness this year. We have a special school that we should all be proud of. It is the heart beat of the community and has an impact on the lives of so many people. I cannot think of a more wonderful place to go to work and school. 

Please also take a look at our messages from our CEO Mrs Gethin here



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