18 January 2021

Image of Weekly Work Week 3

Week 3

Welcome back to another week of home schooling class 2. I am really looking forward to reading your finished stories and getting started with a new space themed book in English.


Alongside the English, Maths and Phonics video sessions, I will post 4 pieces of topic work, reading tasks (2 for Y2 and 1 for Y1) and maths mastery (extra problems to solve). If you feel like it is too much, please don’t worry. I’m trying to cater for everyone’s situations and provide enough work to suit all.



This week’s topic will be food chains in Science. I’ve tried to make these lessons/activities as active as possible so that you can spend some time outside and shouldn’t need a printer.

1. Look at the food chains power point. Watch the video and play the activity on the BBC Bitesize website. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z96r82p

2. Go outside for a food chains hunt, can you photograph or draw any food chains that you can see in nature or on a walk? E.g. berries – birds – cats. You may walk past some fields with farm animals in. Think about their food chains as well.

3. You’ve thought about food chains on land, but what about food chains under the sea or in the sky. Can you make a diorama or draw a picture for a food chain? Example below.



4. Get crafty – have a go at making some fun food chain crafts. Example below.

There are also several Education City activities to try.


Guided Reading:

        Year 1:

  1. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure phase 5 – ie
  2. Please read the Phonics play comic – Which New Pet. Then search for the sounds in the text.

        Year 2:

  1. Please read The Planet Zog and answer the questions.
  2. Please read The Darkness and answer the questions.


Category: Class 2

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