21 May 2020

Image of Class One Home learning 22/5/2020.


Friday 22nd May


Hello Class One,


This week our learning is around the story of Superworm! We will have some activities themed around worms, minibeasts and superheros!

Has anyone done anything to make a difference this week? 

Maybe you could create a superhero card or letter and post it to someone? Bake superhero cakes for a neighbour? Create superhero smile stones for others to enjoy? How will you make a difference this week?




‘Super powers should always be used to help others.’ 


‘A hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people. ‘ 


‘Superheroes, you don't give up; you don't surrender. I think that's what makes a superhero.’ 


Fly like eagles this week Class One!


Mrs Coleman-Harris x


Remember to do what you can (2 hours is plenty- this doesn’t need to be all in one go!) and to learn lots more through your own play too.


Watch the story of Superworm here

Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jnk3XApKBg Make predictions and talk about the main events, characters and setting as you watch it together. What do you think of the characters? Why? How would you save Superworm? What would you say to the evil Lizard? What do you think of Superworms friends? What if they didn’t help?



I have recorded the phase 2 phonic sounds here for you to practice at home. https://www.showme.com/sh?h=Q55krcu

I have also recorded the phase 3 sounds for you to practice with me here. https://www.showme.com/sh?h=E3IchcG



Nursery phonics


First practice your sounds

Play Grab a Giggling Grapheme. Select the sounds you would like to practice from phase 2




Look at the book ‘Max’s Box.’

Sign up for a free Oxford Owl e-library account and search for the ebook Max’s Box. This book has no words. Can you tell the story together using the illustrations to help you? Why is Max’s box special? What did it do to the children’s watches?  Who did they meet? https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/12971.html


Reception phonics


First practice your sounds

Play Grab a Giggling Grapheme. Select the sounds you would like to practice from phase 3




Comprehension skills

Can you independently read the sentence using your phonics skills and then complete the picture?

Read ‘An Odd Bug.’

Sign up for a free Oxford Owl e-library account and search for the ebook An Odd Bug. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/13015.html


Letter formation practice for Nursery and Reception

I have recorded a letter formation video for you to help you develop your letter formation at home. It’s quite long so you may want to just practice a few letters at a time. I hope it helps! When you open the link, it can be slow loading. Wait a while and it should start to work.





All Nursery and Reception children can have a go at completing some of the day 5. Superworm themed maths challenges over the next two days.


Here is the link. Click on Summer term- Week 5 (w/c 18th May) and all of the activities for the week will be there. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/


Other play based  maths activities for Nursery to work on throughout the week

  • Counting skills-  Draw, make or print off some worms (up to 5, then 10 and extend the number further if your child is confident). Hide them, use a timer of 1 minute and hunt for them in the garden. Then encourage your child to line them up and then touch count them accurately. How many did you find in 1 minute? Can you make a matching number label together? Then swap over to see how many mum or dad can find. Can you compare who found more/the most/less/the least?

  • Recording through marks, pictures and numbers- Go on a worm/bug hunt and record through marks (tallies), pictures (draw the bugs) and numbers (write the total amount as a number) on paper. 


Other play based maths activities for Reception to work on throughout the week

  • Recording through marks, pictures and numbers- Go on a worm/bug hunt and record through marks (tallies), pictures (draw the bugs) and numbers (write the total amount as a number) on paper. 

  • Order numbers 0-20, then count and draw the matching amount of mini beasts for each number e.g draw 4 ladybirds, 10 spiders and 19 bees. It will be a minibeast number line! 

  • Doubling-create some worms using string or drawings, place an amount of up to 10 worms on a plate, double it and add the same amount to another plate, how many do you have in total? Double…. is….

  • Sharing- make playdough worms and food.  Use 2, then 4,6,8,10 pieces of food for the worms, share them fairly between the two worms. What if there were 5 pieces of food to share? What if there were 3 or 4 worms? How would you share a whole apple between 2 worms? Can you draw a picture to show what you would do to share the apple? 

  • Adding and subtracting using lots of practical resources and drawings where you can. Use number stories to help with adding and subtracting e.g One spider had 2 flies and the other had 4 flies, how many altogether? Make the spiders and flies to help set up and solve this. Look at recording as a number sentence together 2 + 4 =  

A spider had 5 flies and then it ate 3, how many does it have now? Make or draw a spider, give it 5 flies, subtract the 3 (cross them out/take them). Look at recording as a number sentence together 5 - 3 =

  • 1 more and 1 less- create some worms using string or drawings, place an amount into a picture of a garden/underground.  What if there was one more worm? 1 less? 2 more? 2 less?


Superworm and Superhero themed fun ideas for you to try out all week!

Here are some ideas for things to try out this week.


Learn Makaton

Click the link here to learn the Makaton for superhero



Superhero relaxation story

Relax with some superhero relaxation stories.


Frank the frog yoga- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY8xx7c6_z0


Move like a Minibeast

At the bottom of the page I have attached Mini beats action cards. Can you move like a mini beast?


Superhero Songs and Dances!

Superhero counting song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RfIKqkvHTY

Let’s go superheros action song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_iert5hSKY

Superhero workout-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvMbkw2572k

Wiggle Woo-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdWsez-CD5o


A mini beast adventure! 

Feelers out! What’s about? Are you ready for a mini beast adventure? Let’s find out some more about worms with Jess! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O40A-6Jmt4


Counting bugs game

Count the bugs and match the numeral



Superworm and superhero ideas


These are super fine motor activities to try out!


Playdough worms


Can you measure them? Can you order them by size?


Make your own sock Superworm!


Make a stick Superworm


Make repeating pattern worms


Make your own wormery!

There are instructions attached below.


Worm painting

Use spaghetti to create worm art.


Here are lots of other Superworm and Superhero themed ideas, activities and printables to try at home.

Superworm resources


Posted by Mrs Coleman Harris

Category: Class 1 School Closure

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