30 April 2020

Image of Class One Home learning 1/4/2020.


Friday 1st May

Ahoy there Class One,

Avast ye! Today is the last day learning with the pirates! 

Enjoy me hearties!


Captain Coleman-Harris x


Literacy-Mark making and writing!

Can you all develop your writing skills today! If you can, set up a tray with some sand on it. You can use your finger, a pencil or a stick to make marks in the sand. If you don’t have these things you can use paint, mud, pens, pencils, chalk-anything you have to make a mark.


Parents can you show your child how to form the letter correctly first and then your child can have a go. If you would like, you can use sky writer (we use this in phonics) to help you form the letters too. Here is the link https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/skyWriter/index.html


Can you draw some shapes and patterns in the sand first? You could draw zigzags, lines, spirals or circles. You could draw a pirate! Then can you practice forming the letters of the alphabet in the sand? Can you write your pirate name in the sand?



Can you practice forming the letters of the alphabet in the sand? Can you write tricky words in the sand? Can you write a pirate message in the sand?


All of the Nursery and Reception children can have a go at completing the day 5 pirate themed maths challenges today.


Here is the link. Click on Summer term- Week 2 (w/c 27th April) and all of the activities for the week will be there. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/


Pirate themed fun ideas for you to try out all week!

Here are some ideas for things to try out this week.


Learn the Makaton for Pirate



Try out some pirate wake and shake with Jack Hartman

Can you join in with the Silly Pirate Song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBcrVzY4hDE


Pirate themed yoga

Relax with some pirate themed yoga with Jamie!




Pirate Songs!

When I was One- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVfVIcW1alo

If you want to be a pirate- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDKlKiMIYv4

Pirate dance-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe_HDfdmnaM

Swashbuckle pirate songs- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRNezeciOuo


Subitise with a pirate

How many can you see by sight? Can you say the amount without counting?



10 little pirates

Count backwards as you enjoy the story of 10 Little Pirates



Try out some of these exciting pirate theme science experiments!

Set up a floating and sinking investigation using safe objects from around the house.

Make a prediction before you place the object into the water. Will it float or will it sink? What do you think? Why? What happens to an orange with and without its peel when you place it in the water? Can you sort and then record what you find through drawings or photos? 

Here are some more Pirate science investigations to try! https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-19099-pirate-science-experiments-at-home


Build a pirate ship and go on your own pirate adventure!

Can you use things from around the house and the garden to build your own pirate ship? Maybe you could use a box, washing basket, cushions, logs or sticks to build your own ship. What name will you give your ship? Can you design and make your own flag for your ship? 



Create your own treasure chest

Use an egg box, shoe box or other packaging to create your own treasure chest! What will you use to create the jewels and coins inside? Maybe you could make your own jewellery to go inside your chest!


Bake and decorate pirate biscuits


Here are lots of other pirate themed ideas, activities and printables to try at home.

Class One Pirates!

Nursery phonics activities

Reception phase 3 phonics activities

Class one writing prompts

Posted by Mrs Coleman Harris

Category: Class 1 School Closure

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