2 March 2020

Image of Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?

In understanding of the world and class worship we are thinking and learning about the big question 'why do Christians put a cross in there Easter garden?' We discussed the question together using the Easter garden to help us. We discussed the big question as a class and there were some fantastic responses. "It reminds us of when Jesus goes in there (the tomb) and the stone is in front." "When Jesus came alive." "When Jesus was dying." "An angel came and said to the girl Jesus is alive. She went and told all the people." "Jesus teaches us about love, respect and friendship." 
Some of the children talked about their experiences of Easter, Easter eggs and new life. We talked about the cross and what it symbolises and met Tessa who brought some objects for us to explore. We looked closely at a palm cross and watched the triumphal entry. We discussed this together. Some of the reception children remembered some of the learning from last year around Palm Sunday.

Why not create your own Easter garden at home and send us some pictures?

Posted by Mrs Coleman Harris

Category: Class 1

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